Bedroom Etiquette with Chelsea Brown (Ethnicity Edition)

Because we (or most of us, besides that douche bag, Sammy) all live in the US, if your sexual partner is of a mixed or obviously different race from you–it is bound to be a topic in regards to courtship and consummation of that courtship.


1) Third date.  Preferably during dinner or drinks.  By this time you (probably) haven’t bang-a-ranged and the flirting has escalated because as you know, you have sex on the third date because it’s the three-date etiquette.

2)After sex.  Preferably when you’re both clothed and packing in to your respective car.  It’s funny.  It lightens the mood.  And if the other person is somehow offended, it creates a clean getaway.

While you’re naked and about to stiffle the pickle is NOT the opportune time to mention this topic.

Speaking of experience as a half-black girl, whenever I hear this I want to cringe because then we’re making assumptions about the quality of sex based on an ethnicity instead of the variation between preferences of women in an area of a certain intelligence.  So basically, it unintentionally sounds ignorant therefore a turn-off.

Since I’ve only had sex with white guys, I can’t tell you if being with me is the “Ultimate Black eXXXperience”.  Actually, I think if you asked any mixed race girl if she was ‘like her race in bed’, she would just probably a)be confused and b)kind of hate you.

If all boys (and girls) run around assuming that there is any sort of correlation between an ethnicity or region and the quality of sex, then we can safely assume that having sex with any Brazilian is like the two-minute preview of Brazilian fart porn.

Boys, I’m just looking out for you.

May 27, 2011. Tags: , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.